Testimonials & Reviews

Download MBB Testimonials & Reviews Feb 2023
Cecil's Starlight Safari - Show Feedback
Feedback about you guys was nothing but positive. Everyone loved it. Until the next time...
Hayes Carnival & Family Fun Day 2018, 2019 (booked for 2020 cancelled due to Covid-19) plus BIGFest, Uxbridge. Hillingdon Council Events
I think you've got something really special
David Longford - Creative Learning Manager - Theatre Royal & Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham
The music was excellent and the script moved along at a cracking pace. The audience was fully engaged and it all felt like great fun
Neil Bennison, Music Programme Manager, Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham
It was enchanting. The children were really enjoying it and it was a great way for them to find out about music - lovely!
Mandy Hare, General Manager - The Woodville, Gravesend, Kent
Cecil's Bring-A-Sing-A-Picnic Show
2022 feedback from audiences attending Cecil’s Bring-A-Sing-A-Picnic Show, by Cambridge Council and Babylon Arts in the ‘The Library Presents’ series.
Wisbech Library (26 Oct) audience survey results:
Everyone in our group enjoyed the performance. Thank you.
Rated 10/10 - very good event.
It's brilliant that our local library plays host to such amazing events. Band outstanding. Children thoroughly enjoyed something so different. Can't wait for the next one! Thank you.
Rated 10/10 - very good event.
Amazing, great for all ages
Rated 9/10 - very good event.
It was lovely entertainment. Would love to see again.
Rated 10/10 - very good event.
Everyone in our group enjoyed the performance. Thank you.
Rated 10/10 - very good event.
Sawston Library (5 Nov) audience survey results:
Fantastic, thank you.
Rated 10/10 - very good event.
We would like more shows like this or for a family in Huntingdon, please. Great show, my child enjoyed it and said it was better than she imagined. Thank you!
Rated 10/10 - very good event.
A big thank you to all the staff and performers for their hard work.
Event quality - very good. Rated 10/10 - very good event.
Just wanted to say a big thank you. The team said you were great and that the kids and parents were all very happy.
Lissa Cleaver, Events and Special Projects, The Club at The Ivy - April 2016
Thank you so much for your hard work on Thursday and Friday, I know you had to stay later than planned but I could tell that you just love what you do which is so refreshing to see! It was a fantastic addition to our event!
C. Roberts - London Business School Congregation Events Team - July 2016 (booked every year - including 2020 which was cancelled) rebooked 2023 also.
Donkey Dots with The Musical Balloon Band
at the Fairfield Halls, Croydon – Monday drop-in Community event. Feedback from parents, carers, family, friends and officials. Ran in person until March 2020 then online for free (without any help from BHLive).
N.B. I’ve highlighted comments I feel might be useful đÂ
Dear Verona and the talented donkey dots team, Just want to say thank you very much for making our Mondays bright and cheery. We have really enjoyed your Monday morning sessions at Fairfield Halls since Arabella was 3 months old. She's 8 months old now, and every time she hears one of your songs, she's very happy! It has been wonderful to look forward to getting out of the house on Mondays with the baby and coming to a place where the music is therapeutic, both for baby and mummy and daddy! Even mummy and daddy both enjoy your music and knows the words to your songs! So thank you very much for these entertaining and mentally stimulating sessions. We wished you were here more than once a week, and hope that you will stay on beyond 2020.
Many thanks and best wishes, Arabella, Mummy and Daddy
Hi Verona, Thank you for this morningâs session of Donkey Dots! I just wanted to write to say how valuable these sessions are for my family. I regularly attend your Monday morning sessions with my 2 year old daughter and have often come to the Saturday morning performances with my 5 year old son too. I hope both children develop a deep appreciation for music as it stimulates their interest in numbers, patterns, organisation and words. The sophistication of the music you make with your band is a significant level above comparable childrenâs music classes. You encourage the children to join in playing percussive instruments thereby sharing the joy of making music collaboratively. However you strike a perfect balance between encouraging participation and permitting the children to be themselves so that every child feels welcome and comfortable. My daughter Hazel loves to join in the dancing and has become more physically coordinated and expressive since beginning these sessions. The concerts are also a valuable hub for the community of parents and young children. Hazel became friends with a girl at Donkey Dots whom she also sees at her nursery. Making this connection and forming a new friendship has greatly helped her to build confidence and settle in at her nursery. I hope that these sessions will long continue, the availability of cultural and developmental opportunities like this make me glad that I located to Croydon to raise my young family.
Warm wishes, B. Senior
I attended a Donkey Music session with Verona at Fairfield Halls when they first started. It was fun, colourful and energetic and my 2 year old daughter really enjoyed herself. When I found out only a few weeks ago that Verona was running the sessions online, I was really excited. Iâve been joining for the past 3 weeks and my daughter has loved the sessions. She takes out her guitar, piano and tablas and gets me to dance in the background. Itâs a great interactive session and she loves being able to see herself as well as Verona and the other kids. We would love the online sessions to continue if possible. Thank you!!!
Best of luck, P. Chhatralia
Hello Verona, Just wanted to send an email to say how grateful we are for you and all at Donkey Dots. It really is such a joy to join your online session every Monday, especially during such testing times of the pandemic. You are so mindful of both the child and the adult, and as a parent this is so important. It can be very lonely with a toddler at home, especially when we cannot venture out to see others, so this has really encouraged us both mentally and developmentally for my 21 month old daughter. Although it has been tough at times to get her to tune into a screen with home distractions around, you are able to capture the individual and include a range of ages, with no pressure or expectation. Having moved away from our friends in London last year, we are amazed that we can still join into a community even though we are quite a few miles away. It is also very much appreciated that these sessions are free or 'pay what you can' coming from a low income household this enables us to join in. Verona, you and the team are experts in your field and to know that we get to learn in so many ways (musically, emotionally, socially and much mor e) is such a privilege.
Best wishes, M. Jones
Hello Verona, Ruth does enjoy joining in. It's so different from watching stuff passively- there's some great stuff online, but it's a different experience actually doing something together and getting a response. Thank you very much for the sessions, they're great fun, Love,
Rachel and daughter Ruth (aged 12) xxx
Thanks, Verona. That was wonderful. Such a fun class. Verona, we love your class and will see you next week xx.
P. Lacy
Donkey Dots what a fantastic way to spend a Monday morning ! My 4 year old and 6 month old absolutely love it and the balloons are always a great addition even if they get burst straight away! S. Huntley đ
S. Huntley
We are beyond excited to join you for the online sessions!
D. Harris (childminder)
Hi Verona, We love coming to Fairfield Halls on Mondays mostly my wife and also myself when Iâm on school holidays always bring Elsie along and you can see she gets so much from it and have recommended it to people as well who have come. Itâs always a lot of fun. Look forward to a live stream during these odd times. Hope you are keeping well.Â
Much balloon love, A. Norris-Watson, Tilly and Elsie
Hi Verona, I run a preschool very near the Fairfield halls and have just found out about your wonderful sessions that are happening. We would like to bring a small group of children to the session each Monday from 3rd Feb with some staff.
Kind regards, L. Wallace - Hop, Skip and Jump Preschool (Lizzieâs Team and a group of 8 children regularly attended the sessions on Monday mornings at the Fairfield Halls)
Balloon Modelling Workshops with the 4th Hendon Brownies
Last week Verona came to do balloons with us. We made insects. It was so fun.
Annabelle, Age 7
When Verona came I was so excited. First we blew up balloons which had a tail. Next we blew up a very long balloon. Then we made a head, made the long balloon into wings and made a butterfly.
Hetty, Age 7
Last week we had a balloon lady called Verona come in. First we took a black, red, white or yellow balloon, pumped it up and took part of it and twisted it. Then we took a long balloon, blew it up and did all sorts of twists on it and tied it together. The day was so much fun and I want to do it again.
Amy, Age 7
Verona was amazing. When we made the balloons it was fun. We made a butterfly and I drew a funny face.
Marissa, Age 7